you are a wild mother
you are a wild mother
you are a wild mother

you are a wild mother
you are a wild mother
you are a wild mother

Motherhood is a sacred season we yearn for and plan for, yet it’s often where we lose ourselves the most.

It’s all we ever wanted yet everything we never expected all at once

Motherhood can leave us feeling isolated and alone, overwhelmed and lost. It’s made all the more difficult in a society that doesn’t honor mothering mothers and that doesn’t even know how to.

It’s what makes mother-centric tools, practices and ceremonies all the more essential. 

This is work we need, work we must prioritize and give ourselves. In these intimate spaces, we can mirror each other’s eyes and hold each other’s hands as we start the slow walk back into who we know ourselves to be: wild, ancient Souls fully standing in Wild Mother power. 

This is an invitation to return to yourself. To come home again.

This is an invitation to return to yourself. To come home again.

will you take it?

This is an invitation to return to yourself. To come home again.

you are a wild mother
you are a wild mother
you are a wild mother

The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.

blessing way

Your Wild Mother’s
Ritual Community Blessing

*At this time, Mother's Blessings is only available in person in Washington State.

blessing way

The most sanctifying way to honor a mother is to mother her; to hold her as she passes through the liminal space from pregnancy into birth, and to see her and surround her as a village during this sacred transition. Instead of a standard baby shower, we can do this through a guided ceremony and grounding space set up in the mother’s own home that envelopes her and her growing belly in a circle of supportive sisterhood.

Mother’s Blessings are a feast of optional rituals for everyone in attendance. They can include the creation of a birth altar, a hand-made flower crown for the mother, herbal foot soak, beaded necklace ritual, red thread ceremony, affirmation/intention candles, nourishing food and drink, belly henna and photography.

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blessing way

blessing way

Typically 4 hours

Can include the creation of a birth alter, hand-made flower crown for the mother-to-be, herbal foot soak, beaded necklace ritual, red thread ritual, affirmation/intention candles, nourishing food and drink, belly henna and photography

Energy exchange starting at $555 (depending on what is co-created)

the details

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wild mother


Bead Ritual

With unique beads, precious stones or sentimental pieces brought by every woman, a keepsake bracelet, necklace or mobile is created to bring strength and peace to the mother during her pregnancy, labor and onwards. While it's made, each woman shares a blessing, intention or piece of wisdom for the mother to carry with her. This is also a safe space for the mother-to-be to share any fears, concerns or heart thoughts in a circle of complete support.

Red Thread

Using the unifying symbol of a red wool string tied around each woman’s wrist, we collectively surround and support the expectant mother until the birth of her baby. It stands as a reminder for each of us to stand in power, remain in presence and communicate in love towards her. These are worn until birth when they are removed with a loving prayer or intention.

Candle Rituals

Each woman or the mother-to-be writes a simple wish, characteristic or affirmation on a candle lit from the flame in the center of the circle to signify lighting the way for their pregnant sister’s journey from maiden to mother. In closing, the candles are blown out and each woman takes one home without lighting it again until the mother-to-be goes into labor as a sign of solidarity and support.

choose from the options below

postpartum rituals

live with authenticity identify your holy. return home to yourself. reclaim your sense of knowing. step into your power. walk with deep purpose. find clarity about your path experience wellness and lf, 

Postpartum Liminality Service

We know how it feels to go it alone, but we know we weren’t meant to, which is why women coming alongside other women in a mothering village of sisterhood changes everything. It reminds us that we don’t need to feel isolated on our journey. We can all co-create a space together to feel fully alive, fully heard and fully witnessed. A space for us to hold each other close with rituals and practices that bring us back into our Being.

Each Mama & Baby Circle will reflect current Earth cycles and seasons with a relevant theme that holds wisdom for our spiritual evolution.

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Mama & Baby Circles

live with authenticity
reclaim your sense of knowing
live with authenticity
prioritize yourself
find clarity about your path
experience wellness and wholeness
feel uplifted, nourished, and connected.
remember why you’re here on this earth
become in alignment with your highest self
deepen your relationship with yourself, with the earth, and with others
be fully witnessed, experience support, and grow together

For women with children 3 and younger

Tender nourishment in the vulnerable space following birth is vital for new mamas. We need soft magic and divine touch to help heal our bodies and shift us into this new season, and the golden healing balm of chosen rituals can be the most precious gift. It offers us the honor of being mothered in this often teary, lonely and joyous journey.

Postpartum Liminality Service may include yoni steaming for vaginal delivery healing, herbal and flower baths for both mama and baby, and basic support and comfort for new mamas (It can be as simple as love and care while she showers, naps and restores herself.)

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Postpartum Liminality Service

book now

We know how it feels to go it alone, but we know we weren’t meant to, which is why women coming alongside other women in a mothering village of sisterhood changes everything. It reminds us that we don’t need to feel isolated on our journey. We can all co-create a space together to feel fully alive, fully heard and fully witnessed. A space for us to hold each other close with rituals and practices that bring us back into our Being.

Each Mama & Baby Circle will reflect current Earth cycles and seasons with a relevant theme that holds wisdom for our spiritual evolution.

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Mama & Baby Circles

live with authenticity
reclaim your sense of knowing
live with authenticity
prioritize yourself
find clarity about your path
experience wellness and wholeness
feel uplifted, nourished, and connected.
remember why you’re here on this earth
become in alignment with your highest self
deepen your relationship with yourself, with the earth, and with others
be fully witnessed, experience support, and grow together

For women with children 3 and younger

live with authenticity identify your holy. return home to yourself. reclaim your sense of knowing. step into your power. walk with deep purpose. find clarity about your path experience wellness and lf, 

Postpartum Liminality Service

We know how it feels to go it alone, but we know we weren’t meant to, which is why women coming alongside other women in a mothering village of sisterhood changes everything. It reminds us that we don’t need to feel isolated on our journey. We can all co-create a space together to feel fully alive, fully heard and fully witnessed. A space for us to hold each other close with rituals and practices that bring us back into our Being.

Each Mama & Baby Circle will reflect current Earth cycles and seasons with a relevant theme that holds wisdom for our spiritual evolution.

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- 2-hour session in your own home

- May include yoni steaming for vaginal delivery healing, herbal and flower baths for both mama and baby, and basic support and comfort for new moms.

- Energy Exchange starting at $333

The Details

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Mama & Baby Circles

live with authenticity
reclaim your sense of knowing
live with authenticity
prioritize yourself
find clarity about your path
experience wellness and wholeness
feel uplifted, nourished, and connected.
remember why you’re here on this earth
become in alignment with your highest self
deepen your relationship with yourself, with the earth, and with others
be fully witnessed, experience support, and grow together

For women with children 3 and younger

Postpartum Liminality Service

Mama & Baby Circles

live with authenticity
reclaim your sense of knowing
live with authenticity
prioritize yourself
find clarity about your path
experience wellness and wholeness
feel uplifted, nourished, and connected.
remember why you’re here on this earth
become in alignment with your highest self
deepen your relationship with yourself, with the earth, and with others
be fully witnessed, experience support, and grow together

For women with children 3 and younger

live with authenticity identify your holy. return home to yourself. reclaim your sense of knowing. step into your power. walk with deep purpose. find clarity about your path experience wellness and lf, 

Postpartum Liminality Service

The Details

- 2 hours

- Monthly

- Space for 10-12 sisters

- $45

join our next circle

Mama & Baby Circles

live with authenticity
reclaim your sense of knowing
live with authenticity
prioritize yourself
find clarity about your path
experience wellness and wholeness
feel uplifted, nourished, and connected.
remember why you’re here on this earth
become in alignment with your highest self
deepen your relationship with yourself, with the earth, and with others
be fully witnessed, experience support, and grow together

For women with children 3 and younger

Tender nourishment in the vulnerable space following birth is vital for new mamas. We need soft magic and divine touch to help heal our bodies and shift us into this new season, and the golden healing balm of chosen rituals can be the most precious gift. It offers us the honor of being mothered in this often teary, lonely and joyous journey.

Postpartum Liminality Service may include yoni steaming for vaginal delivery healing, herbal and flower baths for both mama and baby, and basic support and comfort for new mamas (It can be as simple as love and care while she showers, naps and restores herself.)

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Step into your Wild