rewilding motherhood
rewilding motherhood
rewilding motherhood

rewilding motherhood
rewilding motherhood
rewilding motherhood

Earthwise Mothering

Unlocking the Power of Manifestation: Transform Your Dreams into Reality


Have you ever tried to manifest something you desired? I sure have, and it really works! Manifestation is essentially the act of feeling something to be true, and making that “truth” into a  reality. When you manifest something, you’re making it known to the universe, the divine powers that be, your angels, allies, guides, ancestors, […]

Child nature schooling with Fiddlesticks Education printables and beautiful literature.

Nature Schooling- Books & Curriculum for Nature Loving Homeschoolers

Rewilding Motherhood

Homeschooling Educational Philosophies Homeschooling doesn’t have to look like conventional schooling, and it most certainly doesn’t have to be stressful! Whether you have always wanted to tuck into homeschooling, or Covid has left you with little choice, it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your children. And if you take a nature […]

Mothering the Mother