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rewilding motherhood
rewilding motherhood

rewilding motherhood
rewilding motherhood
rewilding motherhood

Earthwise Mothering

Unlocking the Power of Manifestation: Transform Your Dreams into Reality

Have you ever tried to manifest something you desired? I sure have, and it really works! Manifestation is essentially the act of feeling something to be true, and making that “truth” into a  reality. When you manifest something, you’re making it known to the universe, the divine powers that be, your angels, allies, guides, ancestors, etc., whomever and whatever is listening that you tap in and connect with, that this thing, whether it’s a place to live or the birth of your dreams, will be yours. 

You can make so much happen for yourself, your family, your community and even the world. By bringing your attention to an intention you carry, you can actualize the things you want into fruition. You can physically manifest the things you want. This has been known to be true, and we can all unlock the power and reap the benefits if we so desire. But, is it as simple as it sounds?

Believing You are Worthy is a Prerequisite

Before you can even begin to manifest your dreams into reality, you have to believe you are worthy. This worthiness comes from a deep-seated psychological place in our subconscious mind. Our subconscious is imprinted into our brain in early childhood (although, our brain has significant plasticity and is able to grow and change throughout our life). We create loops and stories about who we are based on these imprints. The imprints can come from family, religions, schools, media, etc. Societal expectations sometimes tell us what we think we need. We have to understand why we strive for the things we want.  We have to understand our self-worth to even begin the manifestation process.

 In order to manifest what we desire, we have to place our energetics in line with our manifestations. We have to communicate our level of subconscious worthiness to the universe. If we have certain blockages around our worth, we need to bring attention to those areas and go through a process of unpacking in order to unblock them. We need to gain clarity on our blockages. Where does it come from? Is it related to money, career, or self-worth? Once we clear the blockages and understand our divine worthiness, we can finally begin the other components of manifesting. 

Feel it First

Where our attention goes, energy flows. The Law of Attraction states that we draw to ourselves vibrationally anything that we focus on. We are constantly creating and shaping the world around us by our thoughts and beliefs alone. Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about making your inner world more real than your outer world and to understand that you are not waiting for something outside of you to change how you feel inside of you. The quantum model of reality says you need to teach your body emotionally how the future is going to feel before it’s made manifest. For example, you need to feel awe in order for a mystical moment to happen, feel abundance before wealth can occur, and feel in love with life before your new relationship happens. 

This quote says it best:

“The universe supports the reality of your beliefs absolutely. When you believe you must struggle for abundance, then it will bring about situations that are conducive to struggle; when you believe you cannot experience love without pain, the universe will give you exactly that, love with pain; when you believe it takes time for an illness to heal, then so it will. There is not a single force opposing you, there is only ONE force supporting you absolutely. It is called LOVE, the force that birthed you that created you in its own image. This love is so magnanimous it will give you exactly and absolutely whatever it is that your reality entails. Change your beliefs and you change your reality.”

I know this to be true, as I have experienced both the blessings and the hardships that the power of manifestation unveils. My thoughts dictate which. If I am putting unconscious attention and energy on things going “wrong” or my husband being grumpy, then that will be so. Things go “wrong” and my husband is grumpy.  What good is that for me? I am the maker of my own reality. This means that if I put focused time and attention on calling forth the things I desire, those things will surely manifest.

Isn’t that exciting? That  we have the power to create a life that inspires and uplifts us on all levels! Eckart Tolle says, “Manifestation can only be satisfying and truly effective when it arises out of the Being state of consciousness.” One of the keys to manifestation is to be rooted in Presence. When we are connected to Presence, we create from a place of joy, gratitude, and sufficiency. This conscious manifestation differs from manifesting from the ego.

Practice Gratitude & Consciously Cultivate a Mindset of Abundance

When we manifest from the ego, we tend to have a feeling of lack and scarcity. We rely on our willpower versus the power of Universal Intelligence. We often have negative thoughts and doubts when encountering obstacles instead of looking at situations wisely. 

With conscious manifestation, we create from a place of abundance, anchored in the richness of the present moment. Going from, “How do I get what I want?” to asking, “what does the universe want from me?” When we learn how to consciously manifest, we become vehicles of creative intelligence.

Find Clarity

Another vital component of the manifestation process is gaining crystal clear clarity on what you want. There must be clear intentions with focused attention on what is desired. When you speak an intention, it creates an energetic pattern in your consciousness. In his book, “The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success”, Deepak Chopra states, “…attention energizes and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life, whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate and disappear.” Intentions remind us of the results we desire. We can give our intentions power by stating them aloud or writing them down. 

If your intention is to acquire a specific job, you could make a list of all the things you would love about it, down to the smallest details. The details could include what the space would look like, feel like, the people you would work with, the salary, etc. 

All in all, the feeling is what will attract the energy to make the manifestation come into form. It is important to get clear on how you would feel when your desires come to fruition. Dr. Dispenza talks about how everyday be defined by a vision of the future. That our thoughts are electrical charges in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge, how you think and how you feel broadcasts an electrical signature that influences every single atom in your life.


Once you develop self-love, gain clarity, and know how you want to feel, then you need to move to focused time and attention visualizing. If you want a new job, visualize yourself working that job. If you are calling in a homestead to steward, visualize what it will look like, what animals you would keep, how the garden space will look, etc. Are you desiring the birth of your dreams? Go into every detail, looks, smells, tastes, textures, etc.  Allow the feeling and energy to wash over you. See what it would look like to make your dreams come true.

This act of visualizing can be done in a meditative state. You could also get creative and make a vision board. Have fun with it!

A Real Life Example: How I Manifested My Dream Home

There have been times where I felt like a professional manifester. When I have truly desired something and have felt myself to be worthy of it, it has happened. This is why I know deep in my bones that it works.

One example from my life is when the home we were renting got put on the market by our landlord. We had a few months’ notice to figure out a new place to live. Easier said than done. Fears arose in me as time ticked closer. Were we going to be able to find a place that was dog and cat friendly and allowed us to have our chickens? One with an epic view, garden space, and nearby trail to the beach in our price range AND away from the hustle and bustle, but near enough to our jobs? I had to move my mindset from scarcity to abundance. I had to melt my fears away and trust that the perfect situation would come. Trust that I was guided and supported by Spirit and surrender to the Great Mystery. Well, the power of conscious thought and intention worked. The power of prayer served. As it always seems to.

I was on Craigslist, apparently not the best place to find rentals these days. But, nonetheless, I was there and searching for pet friendly homes in the area we thought we’d be. There were slim to no options. I scrolled to the end, another day and no luck. I decided to look  in the “nearby” section at the bottom of my hunt. This is a place where Craiglist shows your search in a nearby area to where you were looking but not in the same county. Oftentimes, the nearby areas are unrealistic and far. That day we so happened to have found a great home with all our dreams and desires. I immediately wrote them an email and they quickly got back to me with a scheduled viewing for the next day. It was the landlord’s wife supporting him to find tenants, the previous renters had to suddenly move out of state to be closer to family, but otherwise would not have moved. 

This home was the landlords childhood home. He has had this home in his family for sixty years and just wanted to find people who would love it and take care of it. They even had a place where we could keep our chickens! Goddess bless. 

When we arrived at the showing, there were six other families viewing it that day. I was shocked, I didn’t realize we had to compete for the home. We arrived and there was a family being taken on a tour and one waiting to see the place after us. Our landlord took us down the private beach trail while the other family finished viewing the home. This was better than our situation before! On our walk, we noticed a giant redwood tree. I looked at my husband before even stepping foot into the house and whispered, “How do we get this house?” It was a literal dream. The beach was private with a view of the Olympic mountains at the end of the Salish Sea otherwise known as the Puget Sound. 

The house was in a location we never considered or knew much about. We knew it was the Capitol, that there was an incredible Apothecary called Radiance to get bulk herbs, and really amazing thrifting, but that is all we knew. Neither of us had spent much time in Olympia before. Regardless, the location was beyond perfect and the land felt like a powerful presence. It felt like home. 

After touring the house, we knew we loved everything about it. The funky tile work in the bathroom, the wood floors, the 3-acre plot, the 1950’s rambler vibe with a sauna, outdoor shower, garden space, view overlooking Budd Inlet with beach trail, no visuals of the neighbors and it was pet friendly! When we left, my husband said we needed to fill out the application immediately and send it in. So we went to a local coffee shop, filled out the paperwork and scanned it from a local Office Depot.

When we were leaving the rental showing, the wife of the landlord snipped a Japanese Kerria branch and said if I planted it in water, it would bloom. We gifted them eggs, feeling silly because we didn’t know there were so many folks viewing that day, but hoped the gesture and our enduring personalities would seal the deal. We were a little uncertain, as the actual landlord was hard to read. We exchanged appreciation and left. I worked so hard on surrendering, trusting, and non-attachment. But, I wanted to live in that house while we waited to be able to find and afford our dream land to steward and future homestead. 

So, I willed it to be so. I used all my tools. When I got home, I went straight to my alter. I put the Kerria twig in a vase and prayed. I used that Japanese Kerria branch as an antenna to connect with the spirits and energies of the land. I prayed to the landlord’s heart to let it be known that we would love his home like it was our own. That we would take good care of the land and live in reciprocity and gratitude. For Yule, I got my husband a looper so we literally looped a prayer song out to the home, to the spirits of the land, and to the landlord’s heart. 

A couple days later, we got a call from our new landlords. We got the house! Apparently, they called all our references, I mean ALL of them from our parents, friends, siblings, and colleagues. The landlord’s wife liked what our mothers said about us, she loved all the things she heard from our people. They checked out our credit scores and luckily my husband had the highest score the landlord had ever seen. Nearly perfect. We lucked out, because we were the second family to turn our application in.  But, I knew it wasn’t just luck. It was the power of the Law of Attraction. The power of Manifestation. My husband and I manifested this desire of a dreamy pacific northwest home with all the bells and whistles that heightens our quality of life. We are grateful.

Steps to manifesting your new reality (inspired by Hannah Grasso):

  1. Get clear on what you want. You must have clear intentions for what you desire. The universe is always listening and is ready to support you and your dreams. Get crystal clear, even the smallest details matter. Clarity will get you the things you want with greater ease. Women should clear their womb space, the center of creation, of any influences or energetic ties that may be clouding visions.
  2. Clarity on why you want it. Consider the real motivation behind intentions. Intentions should come from a place of honoring your self-worth, love, and desire to create true happiness.
  3. Release attachment to the outcome. When you are unattached to the outcome, it allows you to live in the flow. I would be lying if I said this wasn’t hard. After all, it’s something you really desire! But letting it go allows it to unfold in perfect time and sometimes really unexpected, but equally perfect ways.
  4. Live its reality. What would your life look like if you already had what you wanted? What would you be doing, eating, wearing? Intentions are energy, opposites do not attract. As in Ayurveda, like increases like. Start living your life in a way that brings you in vibrational alignment with the energy of the thing you want.
  5. Learn to embrace the obstacles. Obstacles or challenges may signify one of two things: 1) The universe is testing to see just how sure you are about what you’ve set out to create. This is a great opportunity to remind yourself of your why. Find gratitude in your heart for this. Or 2) you might have thought you needed something, but the obstacle is directing you toward greater potential. Look beyond and see what doors may be open now.
  6. Feel it to be real. Feel in your body that you have the thing you want. Meditate and visualize. When you visualize your desires, you energize that feeling in your body. You’re priming your brain. Your brain and body will work together. 
  7. Be mindful of your language. You are in constant communication with the universe with not only your outward talk but your inner dialogue. Notice when you use phrases like, “I hope so” or “I think I will” or “I’d really like to”. These phrases are coming from a place of lacking, suggesting that there is an unconscious part of you that does not believe you can have it as yours. 
  8. Don’t force it. Tension creates more tension, just as ease creates more ease. Remind yourself that things come with ease to you in your life.
  9. Trust. Trust that the universe is supporting you and wants to give you what you desire. Trust that you are worthy of receiving that in which you want. Trust that you are a creative being and have the power to transform your life. Trust the process, everything in divine timing. 
  10. Celebrate. Find joy in the journey. Celebrate your time, dedication, and commitment. Celebrate the smallest successes towards your dreams, celebrate the failures, too. These are grow points because of what is gained in the lesson.

Our home is not the only thing I have manifested in my life. I’ve manifested my dream man, the exact marriage proposal I wanted in the way I thought about but never said to a single soul, a miracle pregnancy, my ideal home birth (an unintentional free birth– a story for another time), teaching jobs, friendships, countless opportunities, and so much more.

Remember, where attention goes, energy flows. You are worthy of your deepest desires to happen here and now. What are you actively manifesting in your life right now?

About the Author

Amber Young was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and currently resides on the traditional lands of the Squaxin, Nisqually and Coast Salish Peoples in Olympia, WA. She is a child of an Aquarius Sun and Scorpio Moon. This celestial alignment has propagated the humanitarian spirit that is innate in her. Amber loves facilitating women’s circles and honoring and practicing the Wise Woman Ways.

She was recently initiated as Mother after free-birthing her daughter Sequoia Moon. She has been profoundly changed and humbled by the experience of supporting and nourishing life through pregnancy, giving birth, and mothering. Her intention is to help support mothers and families to learn and receive wisdom for living in a more holistic way.

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Mothering the Mother